Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets

 I am starting on a journey to get organized – my life and my home.  I know things will be more peaceful once I reach my destination.  I am always looking for ways to cut the clutter and remove the chaos.  I did one simple thing in my kitchen that has really helped me.  Now if you are super organized, you’ll probably think, “been there, done that”.  But, I have to think (or should I say I would like to think) there are others out there that also struggle with organization.

I don’t have any of those cool kitchen cabinets that have the shelves that slide out so you can see everything you have at a glance.  I have a big, deep cabinet with two shelves that I use as additional pantry space.  Here I store my canned goods, chicken broth, cake mixes, baking products, oil, etc.  I was really getting sick of having to pull out everything to see if I had an item I needed for one of my recipes.  Very time consuming and very aggravating.  And sometimes, just because I was lazy, I would just go out and buy the item rather than face having to search the abyss. 

The simple thing I did was to clean out my cabinet and make a list on a sheet of notebook paper of everything I had.  I did it in pencil.  I put a number in front of the item to indicate how many I had.  For instance, 3 cans of corn, 2 brownie mixes, 1 can of artichoke hearts, and so on.  I also organized the cabinet a bit.  I grouped items, like putting all the corn on one side, putting all the baking stuff on the bottom shelf, etc.  When I shop and buy new items, I just erase the old number and add a new number – for instance, now I have 5 brownie mixes – because they were on sale, and because of my addiction to chocolate.  And, if I buy a completely new item, I just add a new line on my paper.  I keep the paper right inside that cabinet and pull it out when I do my meal planning to see if I have an ingredient or need to buy it.

This simple task of writing it down on a list that is ready and available for me to review has moved me one step closer on my journey to complete organization.  I also plan to do this for my closet pantry and for my freezer.  I have one of those side-by-side refrigerator/freezers and I really waste a lot of things, because I forget I have something in there.  When I tackle that task, I plan to add an “expiration date” column.  I hope you find this helpful. 

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Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets — 2 Comments

  1. So funny – I just did this with my freezers! Especially with our newer one, that you have to reach down to the bottom to see what’s in there- yep, you forget what’s at the bottom. Now, you are right -keep the list nearby. I will tape it on the side of the freezer, instead of wondering what pile I put it in! Love your site! Congratulations!

  2. So, I just saw a segment on one of the morning talk shows about how organization can help lead to a successful life. They said if your home is organized ,it not only saves you time everyday but can reduce your stress level. Great suggestion on organizing your cabinets. There are so many times I buy ingredients that I already have or when I go to use something out of the cabinet it has expired already.